Monday, March 22, 2010

Michael Roach is coming to MI and why you should see him.

What causes a good teacher to come into our lives?

According to the laws of Karma, our reality is forced upon us by our Karma. In other words, if we plant the right seeds, we will see teachers as good. If we plant the wrong seeds, we will see them as not so good.

The karma of having and keeping these teachers around us comes and goes, (gets planted and ripens), and if we do not plant those seeds, over and over again...those teachers will stop coming.

We have been very, very, very fortunate to have some well respected internationally known teachers come to Red Lotus Yoga and our local community.

Michael Roach is coming to Michigan next week. He is a highly successful business man and a wise teacher who is an expert in Tibetan philosophy and wisdom.

The karma of respecting and honoring people like Michael Roach has caused him to come to us. The seeds we need to plant to keep him in our lives is, going to see him, listen to the wisdom he brings and then, if applicable, using it in our lives.

It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and he is someone with whom I place a great deal of faith and trust.

The seeds we have collectively planted to have him come to Michigan were planted a while ago and are now blossoming.

It is a very rare opportunity to have him here. He is only doing two talks in North America in the next three years and this will be his last one.

He is my teacher and it is with great honor and respect I ask you to register for these events.

Go to to register for as many as you can fit into your schedule and bring a friend or two who might really benefit from the wisdom of the ages brought to our doorstep.

If you have any faith in me as your teacher or friend then follow my lead and sign up. I will be there and it will be worth your time invested.

With Deep Respect.


Still Lisa B said...

I am attempting to sign up, as it lists May 2011 as the dates he is speaking, but ther eis no link. This this information still correct?

Still Lisa B said...
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